Wednesday, February 20, 2013

National Social Justice Day

To celebrate this day, I highly recommend the following reads and listens ...

  1. "Challenge the Status Quo" by Dr. Lewis and Dr. Toldson,
  2. A Framework for Understanding Poverty by Ruby Payne
  3. "Back to School", This American Life
  4. "Harper High School, Part One", This  American Life
Thanks to Dr. Ayana Allan for most of the recommendations above.  Each of these pieces has personally inspired me in my continuing quest to be a part of the solution and not the problem.  There are many social justice issues in our world and these resources aim particularly at the under-education and over-expulsion of America's urban youth.  I'm committing to better educate myself on this topic.  I'm also committing myself to pray more and to invite God into the conversation.

I want to take this opportunity to encourage you to educate yourself on the social justice topic that you are passionate about.  Yesterday, while I was doing some work at Panera I overheard a conversation that jarred me and made me realize that even in our times of best intentions, we still are at risk of doing great harm if we do not equip ourselves with proper education.  The girl I overheard was talking about the children she works with through a church program aimed at under-privileged youth in Bryan, TX.  She clearly had the best of intentions but the ignorance of her comments was unbelievably degrading to the children.  Knowing that I have made similar comments in the past, my main takeaway was - we must humble ourselves and attempt to understand before we attempt to serve.

This post is dedicated to Coach Carter who has been my most patient teacher of all time and to all of the students who have continued to inspire me and to open my eyes to our endless potential.