Monday, July 26, 2010

Aunt and Uncle Day

First of all, Allie thanks for that inspiration. I'm going to go out and grab life's horns tomorrow and see what happens.

Today, I celebrated Aunt and Uncle day. I found this great definition of Aunts and Uncles on a website and want to share with you...

Our Aunts and Uncles mean a lot to us. Among other things, they are most likely:

The backup caretaker when mom and dad go out, or are at work.
Real characters at family get-togethers and events.
Someone we can talk to and related to..... some things we just can talk about with "parental units".
Sound counsel and advice.
Someone who takes you to fun places and events.
Someone whose house is a great place to sleepover, especially if you have cousins.
The ones who give you great presents for birthdays, Christmas and special events.
And, the benefits of Aunts and Uncles goes on, and on, and on, and.........

So, clearly this is a very important holiday and designed to honor some great people. I celebrated by asking all of the sales clerks at the stores I visited who their favorite aunt or uncle is. I got some mixed reviews ...

Checkout guy at Duane Read - Has a lot of aunts and uncles but doesn't know ANY of them. I thought there might be any interesting story about why he doesn't know an of them, but as I started to ask him questions I quickly realized that it was a very sensitive subject. So, I might have traumatized the Duane Read man by telling him about Aunt and Uncle day, but I decided that couldn't stop me from celebrating. I just needed to be more sensitive with my questions.

Cashier at Whole Foods - Favorite aunt lives in Greece. He said that when he was younger, she babysat for him and his brother. She didn't speak the language very well and so when they started acting up, she didn't know how to tell them to stop. She finally got so frustrated that she started chasing them around the house with a broom and a baseball bat! I think this guy appreciated Aunt and Uncle day.

If you haven't already told your parent's siblings that you love them, it's never too late!
Looking forward to Barbie in a Blender Day tomorrow ....

1 comment:

  1. I am very impressed by your gung ho approach to this all. I look forward to the stories to come. Nicely done.

    Aunts and Uncles...I like the way I am adult friends with my aunts and uncles now. Great uncle moment of the past few years: riding on the back of Uncle Cam's Harley at Christmas just before he took Momo for a spin. Great aunt moment: When my Aunt Serena told me that her daughter wanted to travel the world and that the only person she could think to send her with would be me. Oh, and Aunt Serena makes the BEST Christmas dinner ever. She would have been proud of celebrating Christmas in July.
