Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Meaning of "Is" Day

I'm just going to warn you - I'm going to get deep on you today. If you're not ready for it, don't go there.

What IS the meaning of is?? Is means "to be" does it not? We use all forms of it to describe ourselves. I am a girl. I am a teacher. I am from Texas. The word "is" defines us. But who am I really? Am I who I say I am or who you think I am? Am I what I say or what you see? Can there be more than one true me? Which of us can really claim to know the true meaning of is?

What IS in this picture? Is it some weird type of bouncy ball? Is it a strange type of food? What do you see?

Now, look at the next picture? What IS that? A flower? Some leaves from outside?

The answer: they are one and the same! My tea that I drank tonight started out as a round hard ball and then blossomed into a beautiful tea leaf flower. Even though they are both very different, each one IS still the same tea.

Lesson learned: look twice before you decide the meaning of "is". Especially when you are looking at people.

FYI I'm going to start giving you a weekly preview of the holidays that are coming up. Usually I'll do it on Sunday, but not this time.

Wednesday: Cupcake Day, Bad Poetry Day, Mail Order Catalogue Day
Thursday: Black Cow Root Beer Float Day, Aviation Day, National Medical Dosimetrist Day
Friday: Men's Grooming Day, Virtual Worlds Day
Saturday: Daffodil Day, Hug Your Boss Day, National Homeless Animals Day, Poet's Day, Senior Citizen's Day

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